When you take out a loan, credit or store card, you’re often asked to take out an insurance policy at the same time. The policy is meant to cover the loan or card repayments if you become unable to afford them yourself because of illness, unemployment or because you have an accident or become disabled. […]
My partner with whom I have had a long-standing relationship died unexpectedly a short time ago. We were not married. Although we had talked about it quite a lot we had not got round to making a will. I know he would have wished me to inherit his estate, but, without a valid will, where […]
Time limits for recovering debt in court – statute barred debt There are time limits on when some creditors can go to court to get you to pay an old debt. If the time limit has passed, the debt is known as ‘statute barred’ – it means that the creditor can’t get a court to […]
I have heard that there will be 30 hours free nursery education for 3 and 4 year old children? Is this available now? If not, when will it be available? Childcare Minister, Sam Gyimah announced that some councils across the country will be funded to deliver 30 hours of free childcare for 3- and […]
Citizens Advice publishes complaints league table of the 19 largest energy firms in Great Britain. EDF Energy and SSE have both come out on top in Citizens Advice’s latest energy supplier league table which measures how effectively customer complaints are dealt with. The difference between the two suppliers is marginal with EDF Energy clinching pole […]
I have a payday loan being taken from my account by Continuous Payment Authority (CPA). I tried to cancel this as the deductions were high and I am in rent arrears. When I tried to do this the building society staff said that they were (physically) unable to cancel the CPA and that I had […]
- Author: Andy Auld
Published: 23 February 2016
Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden is encouraging people to turn to them for help if they have questions about Universal Credit and how it affects them, as new government figures reveal 970 people across Carlisle & Eden are now on the benefit. Since its introduction in Carlisle & Eden in December 2014, Citizens Advice Carlisle […]
Residents in Carlisle & Eden can get help to cut their gas and electric bills by an average of £200. Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden is running Energy Best Deal appointments where we will support people to understand how to compare energy prices and cut down how much energy they use but also help them […]
- Author: Andy Auld
Published: 29 December 2015
Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden will be offering a AdviceLine service which will provide advice and information to residents of Carlisle and Eden who have been affected by the recent flooding in the districts. Residents are advised to call the local Citizen’s Advice on 01228 633900 between 10:30am and 6pm on Tuesday 29th if they […]